- Instructor
- Heather Blair
- Days and Times
- TR 11:10AM - 12:25PM
- Course Description
Although most Japanese people today describe themselves as un-religious, patterns of behavior derived from religious contexts do in fact pervade everyday life. Therefore, in this discussion-intensive class we will be thinking about both Zen and baseball, and we will read both prayers and fiction. Over the course of the semester, students will gain a basic knowledge of Shinto, Buddhism, and folk religion, which combine and interact in various ways in Japanese religious culture. We will also examine the roles religion plays in community, entertainment, and politics. Finally, we will wind up with an exploration of how the Way—originally a religious concept—structures activity in the cultural and martial arts. In addition to reading from a range of genres, students will need to watch several films, complete short weekly writing assignments, participate in large- and small-group discussions, and write a final paper analyzing one of their own hobbies or enthusiasms as a Way. (And for the record, the final papers are a lot of fun.)
Religions in Japan