Theologies of American Exceptionalism

Theologies of American Exceptionalism
Edited by: Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd
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Theologies of American Exceptionalism is a collection of fifteen interlocking essays reflecting on the vagaries of exceptionalist claims in and about the United States. Loosely and generatively curious, these essays bring together a range of historical and contemporary voices, some familiar and some less so, to stimulate new thought about America. A print version of this volume will be available in summer 2020. This volume is the first in a book series titled “Religion and the Human” hosted by the IU Center for Religion and the Human.

Edited by: Winnifred Fallers Sullivan and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd
Contributors: Elisabeth Anker, Benjamin L. Berger, Faisal Devji, Spencer Dew, Stephanie Frank, Constance Furey, W. Clark Gilpin, M. Cooper Harriss, Shaul Magid, Noah Salomon, Matthew Sherer, Lisa H. Sideris, Joseph Winters