IU Religious Studies graduate Rebecca Kysar was sworn in as counselor to the assistant secretary of tax policy in the U.S. Department of the Treasury in early February under the Biden administration. Professor Kysar joined the Fordham Law faculty in 2018 after spending the previous nine years teaching at Brooklyn Law School. Kysar, who teaches and conducts research in the areas of tax policy, international taxation, legislation, and the budget process, will handle engagement with multilateral international tax affairs, as well as development and implementation of domestic tax policies in her new position.
Her recent scholarship examines tax treaties, the tax legislative process, as well as the recent tax reform act. She is a primary co-author of “The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the New Legislation,” the most downloaded paper on the Social Science Research Network in 2017. Other scholarly works have appeared in several prominent legal reviews as well as other leading publications.
Professor Kysar graduated from Indiana University in 2000 with a BA in Religious Studies and Liberal Arts and Management Program (LAMP).
Alumni spotlight: Rebecca Kaysar